On Saturday, October 20th, we had our last community painting day of 2018. A dedicated crew tackled a variety of projects, from prepping the Donkey Kong girders to painting fine details of memorable video game characters.
Michelle painted the last details on the Pac Man ghosts. Michelle, I think they are looking at you!
Michelle and Bich kept the ‘detail’ table humming while Katy, Grace and Jeremy tackled the over-sized props.
Brian painstakingly cut out Donkey Kong girders.
Jeremy prepped prop sticks for the Super Mario Bros selfie station.
Grace and Katy paint the top part of a larger-than-life Atari joystick.
Steve and Angela tackle a very detailed sign together.
John hung out with Mario, overseeing the operations.
Bich painted Sonic with great skill.
Grace painted white stripes on the large Candy Crush candy.
Thanks to everyone who helped out! You are amazing!