As Jack Skellington is taking his walk through the graveyard, he passes through a gate with a spooky archway.
For me, I loved that element and wanted to make sure we had it as part of our house decorations.
I decided to carve it out of foam and to build it, I first did some Photoshop work to get the design of the archway on a scale grid.
I then took a large sheet of Styrofoam and re-created the grid on it.
From there, I traced out the design, using the grid to help me get the proportions correct.
After that, I began to cut out the shape. This is an intricate design, so I decided to first to a rough cut – cutting away large areas that are not part of the design.
After that, I went in and cut out the details making sure to keep some thickness to the design to avoid it being too weak and breaking.
On our painting day, Bich and Brian tackled the painting of the archway.
This was tricky because of all of the interior details and holes.
But, Bich and Brian triumphed over the challenge and the archway was ready to use!