Because of the ‘backyard circus in the front yard’ nature of our Halloween house, I have been in the cardboard acquiring business for many years. To build our backdrops, I have used discarded bike boxes, refrigerator boxes, truck shell boxes—you name it. So, when an offer of free cardboard comes up, I perk up and hope that it will be strong, big enough for our scene, and won’t have too many holes in it. I am usually ready to use anything, in any shape, in any size.
But sometimes you get a gift. I got a call recently from my friend Mark Manley who said that he had cardboard and asked if I would like it. It was beautiful. Flat, seamless, large panels. I mean, just look at them!

And in that box? More flat, seamless large panels! (and I can even use the box!). Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Needless to say, a big ‘thank you!’ to Mark. We will take your offering and turn them into Camelot, a Trojan Rabbit, knight’s shields, swallows, angels, the Holy Grail and even God.