So far this year we’ve been tight-lipped, we’ve been as quiet as a mouse.
But now we’re ready to shout it loud, this year we’ll have Seuss-ian house!

Come gander at the spectacle; peek at this, and this, and that.
See the Grinch, the Lorax, Horton and, of course the Cat in the Hat.
They’ll be oodles of Seuss-themed treats my friend, so don’t you cry boo hoo.
And while you’re here wave at a fish, or perhaps Thing 1 or Thing 2.
I know your anxious, you’re filled with hope; I know you cannot wait.
We’re open only on Halloween night, so remember to save the date.
What’s that now, did I hear right? I think I heard you yelp:
“I want to paint, I want to build. Kind Sir, how can I help?”
We will have two October painting days, the 5th and 19th, 2024.
We’ll meet from 9 to noon those days. Check our How to Help page for more.
If you want to see Truffula Trees so tall they reach the sky,
Grab yourself by the seat of your pants, tell your friends, and come on by!