Progress has been made on the set pieces for this year’s Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween house! The current phase involves carving the overall shapes of the set pieces out of Styrofoam and building the structures to hold them up.
We will have a ‘stone’ gate, simulating the gate that Jack Skellington walks through on his pensive stroll. We will be re-purposing two wooden columns that we have used in prior Halloween houses, but re-arranging their position in the yard. Below is a shot of where they will be.

But, we won’t just leave them as is. This year, we will dress the columns in carved foam. Below are shots of the foam coverings. They will later be carved to look like stone (right now they just look like two foam boxes).

We will have a spooky, graveyard fence at the front of the yard this year to replicate the fence from The Nightmare Before Christmas and remind visitors that we are not inviting folks up on to the porch. We will use some aluminum poles that we have used for previous year’s structures. I did a quick inventory and layout of where the poles will go.

Finally, after building a wooden support structure to hold the large 8 ft. diameter moon in place, I was able to test fit the bigger pieces, and sketch out the next two pieces in place (the two hills on the right) to make sure they will fit.

It’s coming together! Next up, finish cutting the big pieces, begin texturing the foam, and then paint! Also, I am prepping some projects to hand off to the crew over at Options for All, who will be helping out this year! Woo hoo!